Can You Wear Contact Lenses with Dry Eye Syndrome?


Dry eye syndrome can be quite troubling and if you are facing the problem; you may be thinking of the ability to wear contact lenses again or for the first time without making the condition worse. The answer to the question is not as simple as it would require a couple of factors.

Is Difficulty Wearing Contact Lenses a Result of Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome though not a contraindication to the use of contact lenses it can make contact lens wear more uncomfortable. Other symptoms of dry eyes including redness, irritation and discomfort are likely to be worsened by the use of contact lenses. This is so because, wearing of contact lens tends to result in reduction of the oxygen flow to the eyes leading to more dryness and eye irritations. Nonetheless, this is a avoidable by selecting the suitable contact lenses, using the appropriate care products and Total Replacement System that has to be followed properly.

What are the risk factors or Potential Precursors?:

Several factors can contribute to the development of dry eye syndrome and may make it more challenging to wear contact lenses:

1. Environmental factors: Any additional exposure to wind, dust or other types of airborne particles may worsen the condition and lead to even more severe symptoms of dry eye.

2. Prolonged screen time: Looking at screens, we often spend hours without blinking or even close our eyes for that matter and our eyes tend to become drier as a result.

3. Certain medications: There are prescription drugs that cause dry eye syndrome as a side effect and they include; antidepressants, blood pressure reducing drugs and diuretics.

4. Poor lid hygiene: Inadequate hygiene of the lids leads to the meibomian gland disease, which is one of the primary causes of dry eye condition.

Practical Tips:

1. Choose the right contact lenses: In particular, soft contacts made of silicone hydrogel materials let more oxygen through to the cornea as compared with other types of contacts, which minimizes the chances of dryness or irritation. Daily disposable contact lenses can also be considered as the best since they are not required to be cleaned or stored to be used the following day thus avoiding bacterial infections of the eyes.

2. Use eye drops: If you experience fluctuating dry eyes during the day then can consider using artificial tears or lubricant eye drops. For products recommended for dry eye conditions use them when necessary, particularly before and after lens insertion.

3. Practice good lid hygiene: Your meibomian glands require proper upkeep of the eyelids and lashes through lid scrubs or warm compresses to avoid dry eye syndrome due to gland blockage.

4. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines: Always ensure to go by the contact lens replacement schedule and properly follow correct handling and wearing procedures as well as proper cleaning practices to avoid experiencing such complications with your eyes.

Struggling with dry eyes while wearing contact lenses? Consult our Dry eye Doctor in Palo Alto for personalized advice and the best solutions to ensure comfortable lens wear while managing Dry Eye Syndrome.


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