
Can Dirty Glasses Cause Eye Strain?

Dirty glasses can very much hamper vision and overall eye comfort. Smudges, dust, and grime on lenses cause much more eye strain, headaches, and general fatigue than people realize. This paper examines the link between dirty spectacles and eye strain, based on expert opinions and scientific evidence. How Dirty Glasses Affect Your Eyes 1. Reduced Visual Clarity When there is a deposit of fingerprints, dust, or any marks on the surface of a lens, there is compromised vision of the lens. The natural response would be the need for the extra focusing effort of the eyes, hence resulting in a certain degree of strain and discomfort. The Journal of Optometry states that diminished visual acuity, because of the obstruction at the lens surface, provokes an increased rate of blinking, along with fatigue of the eyes. 2. Increased Glare and Light Scattering Dirty glasses provide more glare from screens, headlights, and sunlight. It may be harder for the eyes to adjust to different lighting conditio...

Can Stress Cause Eye Problems? - Refine Optometry

Eye Health & Stress - Complete Guide Can Stress Cause Eye Problems? Exploring the Connection Introduction Tension is experienced constantly in one's lifetime and many people are aware with how stress affects their lives. Thus, changes in eye health from consuming this food are sometimes unrecognised. Is it possible that pressure at work distorts vision? The answer is yes. As this article will show, strategies of coping with stress and common effects affecting vision will also be provided. How does stress affect the eyes? Stress working under the principle of "fight and flight" releases hormones within the body that can cause a number of changes. I have also noticed that prolonged stress can either, have indirect or directly influence the state of your vision and the eyes in general. ...

Can You Wear Contact Lenses with Dry Eye Syndrome?

  Dry eye syndrome can be quite troubling and if you are facing the problem; you may be thinking of the ability to wear contact lenses again or for the first time without making the condition worse. The answer to the question is not as simple as it would require a couple of factors. Is Difficulty Wearing Contact Lenses a Result of Dry Eye Syndrome? Dry eye syndrome though not a contraindication to the use of contact lenses it can make contact lens wear more uncomfortable. Other symptoms of dry eyes including redness, irritation and discomfort are likely to be worsened by the use of contact lenses. This is so because, wearing of contact lens tends to result in reduction of the oxygen flow to the eyes leading to more dryness and eye irritations. Nonetheless, this is a avoidable by selecting the suitable contact lenses, using the appropriate care products and Total Replacement System that has to be followed properly. What are the risk factors or Potential Precursors?: Several factors ...